cover of the book

This post is more like a recommendation.

The Upside of Stress: Why Stress Is Good for You, and How to Get Good at It by Kelly McGonigal I've heard about this book some time ago at Front End Happy Hour. Some of the guests recommended it.

And when I saw it in the library I've just grabbed it. Honestly, I haven't finished it yet. But I can already tell that book helped me a lot. I am going through a lot of stress every day and mostly I can deal with that. But this thing that "Stress is bad for you. You will die soon, you will get ill etc." buzzing somewhere unconsciously. 😅

I am not going to take your time and retell you the book just go and check it yourself.

P.S It also available in audio format 👍🎧

*Embrace your stress and it'll enhance you*