ESLint is awesome, yes it makes you better developer, but this error in my terminal

error: Must use destructuring state assignment

drives me crazy sometimes!

How should I fix that eslint error when I have this deeply nested object and I need to get ip field:

const loggedUserObj = {
    loggedUser: {
        user: {
            name: 'John',
            lastLoggedIn: {
                date: '1970-01-01',
                ip: ''
        settings: {
            setting1: "1",
            setting2: "2",

often I ended up with // eslint-disable-next-line react/destructuring-assignment and carry on πŸ˜…

Recently I found how it can be done in a right way. Without further ado, look how we destructure simple object:

const obj = {
    props: {
        field: "A"

will become nice:

const { props } = obj;
const { props: { field } } = obj;

console.log(props); // shows {field: "A"}
console.log(field); // shows "A"

See? So, similary, from our previous example with loggedUserObj object, to get ip field, you need:

const {
    loggedUser: {
        user: {
            lastLoggedIn: {
} = loggedUserObj;

console.log(ip); //shows ""


Now, what to do if you have undefined? Say, you want to access platform field instead of ip:

const {
    loggedUser: {
        user: {
            lastLoggedIn: {
} = loggedUserObj;

console.log(platform);// this will print undefined

In this case you may want to have default value, and to get it is simple as

const {
    loggedUser: {
        user: {
            lastLoggedIn: {
                platform = 'None'
} = loggedUserObj;

console.log(platform);// this will print "None"

Yeah, solution is not the prettiest. You moved the real problem from one place to another. Now you have huge assignment statement, but you satisfy eslint. Good solution would be to find how to make that loggedUserObj object shallower, but that’s another topic..

Hope it will save your time.

Thanks for reading!